Tag: grace kelly

Episode 109 – High Noon

, with special guest:

High NoonKyle Dekker joins us to watch a Western that is a not even a little bit subtle allegory for the behavior of Hollywood during the House UnAmerican Activities Committee hearings – High Noon! Gary Cooper won an Oscar for his powerful portrayal of a man who slowly comes to realize that nobody will stand up for him in his time of greatest need. We talk a lot about how much John Wayne hated this film because John Wayne really hated this film. Screenwriter Carl Foreman had to leave the country for England while this movie was filming so he had some knowledge of the damage the HUAC could do. We had a ball watching the movie and we hope you enjoy it as well!

Coming up next: Goonies! This time for sure!

High Noon (1952)
High Noon poster Rating: 7.9/10 (112,790 votes)
Director: Fred Zinnemann
Writer: Carl Foreman, John W. Cunningham
Stars: Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Thomas Mitchell
Runtime: 85 min
Rated: PG
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Western
Released: 30 Jul 1952
Plot: A town Marshal, despite the disagreements of his newlywed bride and the townspeople around him, must face a gang of deadly killers alone at "high noon" when the gang leader, an outlaw he "sent up" years ago, arrives on the noon tr...

Episode 9 – Rear Window

, with special guest:

Rear WindowOnce again, we were able to record an episode live at Pepito’s Parkway Theatre in Minneapolis.  This time, we watched the Alfred Hitchcock classic “Rear Window.”  Not only had Jena never seen this film before, it was her first Hitchcock film ever.  And she got to see it on the big screen!  The print was amazing and you should all feel really bad that you missed it.  However, you can console yourself by listening to this episode where we dump love all over the master and one of this best films.

Our next episode will air on November 1st and we’ll talk about “The Abominable Dr. Phibes.”

Our next live recording at Pepito’s will be on Sunday, November 17th.  We’ll be watching John Carpenter’s “The Thing!”

Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window poster Rating: 8.5/10 (538,306 votes)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Writer: John Michael Hayes, Cornell Woolrich
Stars: James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey
Runtime: 112 min
Rated: PG
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Released: 01 Sep 1954
Plot: A bored photographer recovering from a broken leg passes the time by watching his neighbors and begins to suspect one of them of murder.


A Reel Education LIVE on October 10th!

Rear Window
Once again, A Reel Education will be recording an episode LIVE at the Parkway Theater! On October 10th, you can join our live recording session, which comes with a full screening of Alfred Hitchcock’s amazing classic thriller, Rear Window! James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Thelma Ritter… the works!

Not only are tickets a mere five bucks, but if you bring a friend… they get in FREE! That’s right! It’s a 2-for-1 deal where you and a buddy can see Rear Window on the big screen for five tiny dollars!

In addition, The Parkway Theater is a great venue in the heart of South Minneapolis. The theater is partnered with Pepito’s, the Mexican restaurant next door, so you can actually eat Mexican food and drink beer in the theater.

Join us! And spread the word!

A Reel Education LIVE featuring Rear Window

Thursday, October 10th
Intro at 6:45 PM, film at 7:00 PM. Podcast continues after the film.

The Parkway Theater
4814 Chicago Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55417

Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window poster Rating: 8.5/10 (538,306 votes)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Writer: John Michael Hayes, Cornell Woolrich
Stars: James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey
Runtime: 112 min
Rated: PG
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Released: 01 Sep 1954
Plot: A bored photographer recovering from a broken leg passes the time by watching his neighbors and begins to suspect one of them of murder.