Episode 24 – Dune

, with special guest: , ,

DuneFor our newest episode, we subjected Jena to the 1984 train wreck that is David Lynch’s Dune!  We are joined by two special guests.  First is Kelvin Hatle, who has an unholy love for bad movies great and small.  Second is Jerry Belich who, along with Melissa, produced a Swede version of the film that you can (and should) watch on Youtube!  We try to make sense of a film that almost works on many levels and yet completely fails on all of them.  Who knows if we succeeded?

We added the horrible song that Tim wrote for the credit sequence of the Dune Swede.  It is after the closing music to the podcast.  If you’d like to download your own version of the song (though we don’t know why you would), you can do that here.

Our June 15th episode will be about Cabaret and features special guest Windy Bowlsby!

Dune (1984)
Dune poster Rating: 6.3/10 (181,681 votes)
Director: David Lynch
Writer: Frank Herbert, David Lynch
Stars: Kyle MacLachlan, Virginia Madsen, Francesca Annis
Runtime: 137 min
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Released: 14 Dec 1984
Plot: A Duke's son leads desert warriors against the galactic emperor and his father's evil nemesis to free their desert world from the emperor's rule.


  1. Hi, I’ve been listening through your podcasts in chronological order, only skipping the few where I haven’t already seen the movie. Anyway, I’m enjoying.

    I was 8 when Dune came out at the theater and was very excited to see it. I remember reading magazine articles I came across in waiting rooms and on the grocery store magazine stand and then got to go see it. I don’t recall being confused by it, the basic plot was clear enough to follow as a kid, but there sure were lots of things I missed those first few times seeing it. I didn’t get to read the book until I was about 13. I’ve always felt a lot of the book and movie were exactly the same: dialogue, descriptions, etc. But it almost seems the book is more streamlined and less convoluted than the movie!

      • Tim on October 10, 2018 at 10:34 am
      • Reply

      I was a kid when I saw it and I wasn’t super confused but there is a lot of stuff that isn’t really explained either. The basic plot made sense but my Dad had read the book so he proceeded to tell me all the stuff from the book that the film implied but never really did anything with.

      Thanks for listening!


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