Tag: Tim Robbins

Episode 77 – The Shawshank Redemption

, with special guest:

The Shawshank RedemptionThis episode focuses on one of the best films of the 1990’s (or any decade): The Shawshank Redemption!  Alee Ellingsburg returns to watch this prison drama that is structured about as well as a movie can be structured.  Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman star in this movie that was one of the first true home video phenomenons.  Tim pretty much takes over this episode because he really loves the film.  You’ll have to forgive him for that.

Our next film will be Bringing Up Baby.

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption poster Rating: 9.3/10 (2,995,055 votes)
Director: Frank Darabont
Writer: Stephen King, Frank Darabont
Stars: Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton
Runtime: 142 min
Rated: R
Genre: Drama
Released: 14 Oct 1994
Plot: A banker convicted of uxoricide forms a friendship over a quarter century with a hardened convict, while maintaining his innocence and trying to remain hopeful through simple compassion.

Episode 58 – Bull Durham

, with special guest:

Bull DurhamIn part two of our exploration of movies about Baseball, we watched Bull Durham.  Pat Wick acts as our stunt Jena but it is Melissa who has never seen the film.  The film is one of the more quotable ones we’ve watched and is actually about baseball.  At least it is a little bit like baseball.  Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, and Kevin Costner star in this film that is as good as people have told you.

Our next movie will be Safety Last!

Bull Durham (1988)
Bull Durham poster Rating: 7.0/10 (60,764 votes)
Director: Ron Shelton
Writer: Ron Shelton
Stars: Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins
Runtime: 108 min
Rated: R
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Sport
Released: 15 Jun 1988
Plot: A fan who has an affair with one minor-league baseball player each season meets an up-and-coming pitcher and the experienced catcher assigned to him.