Tag: Charleton Heston

Episode 40 – The Ten Commandments

, with special guest:

The Ten CommandmentsOn our latest episode, we explore the world of the Biblical epic via Cecil B DeMille’s Ten Commandments!  Charlton Heston is our guide as we explore a time of plagues, lust and burning bushes!  We are once again reminded of the awesomeness of Vincent Price and, finally, get to introduce Jena to Anne Baxter.  We also spend a little time talking about Exodus: Gods and Kings. Join us for this rollicking trip through the old testament complete with water turning to blood!

At the end of the episode, we claim our next episode will be Murder on the Orient Express.  That’s totally wrong.  It will be L.A. Confidential.

The Ten Commandments (1956)
The Ten Commandments poster Rating: 7.9/10 (79,685 votes)
Director: Cecil B. DeMille
Writer: Dorothy Clarke Wilson, J.H. Ingraham, A.E. Southon
Stars: Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter
Runtime: 220 min
Rated: G
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family
Released: 05 Oct 1956
Plot: Moses, raised as a prince of Egypt in the Pharaoh's household, learns of his true heritage as a Hebrew and his divine mission as the deliverer of his people from slavery.