Episode 125 – F for Fake

Our latest episode was a bit of a last minute audible as we lost a guest due to weather. So Tim became our guinea pig to watch F for Fake, a “documentary” about hoaxes by Orson Welles. This kind of wacky film takes a look at a few different fakers, including the filmmaker himself. It is very new wave and so very Orson Welles in every sense of the word. Probably the best way to enter the world of this film is knowing as little as possible.

Next up, we really do talk about The Princess Bride!

F for Fake (1973)
F for Fake poster Rating: 7.7/10 (18,852 votes)
Director: Orson Welles, Gary Graver, Oja Kodar
Writer: Orson Welles, Oja Kodar
Stars: Orson Welles, Oja Kodar, François Reichenbach
Runtime: 89 min
Rated: PG
Genre: Documentary
Released: 12 Mar 1975
Plot: A documentary about fraud and fakery.

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