Tag: Russ Tamblyn

Episode 94 – The Haunting

, with special guest:

The HauntingOur next episode in the Bond series follows Lois Maxwell (Miss Moneypenny) because George Lazenby really didn’t make any other films of note after his turn as Bond.  Because of that, we used Maxwell’s small role as an excuse to watch The Haunting!  We are joined by returning guest Lana Rosario to watch this extremely creepy ghost story that doesn’t need to resort to anything as cheesy as jump scares to creep you out.  The film is helmed by the great and versatile Robert Wise and stars a group of character actors who you might not immediately recognize but who turn in spectacular performances in this great atmospheric horror film.

Next up, we take a look at the James Bond played by Sir Roger Moore in Live and Let Die!

The Haunting (1963)
The Haunting poster Rating: 7.4/10 (43,796 votes)
Director: Robert Wise
Writer: Nelson Gidding, Shirley Jackson
Stars: Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson
Runtime: 112 min
Rated: G
Genre: Horror
Released: 22 Aug 1963
Plot: Hill House has stood for about 90 years and appears haunted: its inhabitants have always met strange, tragic ends. Now Dr. John Markway has assembled a team of people who he thinks will prove whether or not the house is haunted.