Tag: Robert Shaw

Episode 104 – The Sting

, with special guest:

The StingSemi-regular guest newbie Barb Lind is back and this week, we are watching The Sting with Robert Redford and Paul Newman! The film has lots of twists and turns and if you enjoy that sort of thing, we’d recommend watching the movie before you listen to the second half of the podcast.  We actually always recommend that but in this case, you may well be sorry if you decide to skip into the spoiler filled portion of the episode without taking the time to watch the movie first. This Oscar winner for best picture is a lot of fun and if you’ve never seen it, be like Barb and fix that immediately!

Next up, we continue our movie crime spree with Dog Day Afternoon!

The Sting (1973)
The Sting poster Rating: 8.3/10 (286,886 votes)
Director: George Roy Hill
Writer: David S. Ward
Stars: Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw
Runtime: 129 min
Rated: PG
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama
Released: 25 Dec 1973
Plot: Two grifters team up to pull off the ultimate con.