Tag: William Stout

Episode 56 – The Warrior and the Sorceress

, with special guest: ,

The Warrior and the SorceressHaving watched Akira Kurosawa and Sergio Leone tackle the same story, this episode considers John Broderick’s take on the same material.  We know what you’re thinking: who is John Broderick?  Exactly.  Frequent guest Kelvin Hatle joins us for a sword and sandal retelling of Yojimbo that is, in almost every conceivable way, a complete disaster.  The Warrior and the Sorceress takes elements we have grown familiar with and inserts bad fight choreography, gratuitous nudity, and a bizarre puppet lizard.  You have not lived until you’ve seen this film and you will never forget it once you do.

We will save you, dear listeners, from watching Last Man Standing.  Our next movie will be Moneyball!

The Warrior and the Sorceress (1984)
The Warrior and the Sorceress poster Rating: 4.2/10 (2,697 votes)
Director: John C. Broderick
Writer: John C. Broderick, William Stout, Ryûzô Kikushima
Stars: David Carradine, Luke Askew, María Socas
Runtime: 81 min
Rated: R
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Released: 07 Sep 1984
Plot: A fearsome swordsman, Kain, crosses the barren wastelands and comes upon a town where two arch enemies fight incessantly for control of the town's only well.